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Pump More Milk

5 Ways to Pump More Milk

Flange Size Matters When it comes to pumping, flange size matters. Many moms who begin to use a breast pump may not be aware that the flanges (the funnels/cups that touch your breast) included with your breast pump may contain multiple sizes. Some moms just grab a flange and start pumping, unknowingly using different sizes. Sizing is important because it…
February 24, 2020
Nighttime Nursing And Milk Supply

Nighttime Nursing and Milk Supply

The biggest source of stress among breast feeding moms is often related to her milk supply. “I have a low milk supply.” “I struggle with my milk supply.” “I am worried about my milk supply when I return to work.” We openly talk about milk supply, however what exactly is a milk supply and how to we maintain it? Our…
February 13, 2020
Drinking Milk Or Pacifier

Is my baby drinking milk or using me as a pacifier?

All Time at Breast is Not Created Equal As new breastfeeding moms, we often think that all time spent at breast is valuable time in which baby is drinking milk, gaining weight, and draining our breasts to boost milk production. However, not all time at breast is created equally. Our babies breastfeed for many reasons other than to get breast…
February 4, 2020
Modern Milk Hero

How Can I Tell if My Breastfed Baby is Full?

One of the most common questions breastfeeding moms ask themselves is "how do I know if my baby is getting enough?" Being able to breastfeed your baby is beneficial in so many ways! One of the biggest perks is that you don't need to worry about the nuisances that come with bottle feeding. You don't need to measure and mix…
February 3, 2020